My natural way of communicating is as

Option 1: a describer, whose thoughts are organized as a matrix, mind map, or in categories. Frequently I think in pictures.

When communicating I often begin with the non-significant details, painting a picture, giving details or background info, carefully building suspense or interest, and leading to the point.

Example: "Yesterday I came home from work late, like 9 pm. I thought everyone was asleep because bedtime for the boys is 8:30. Then I heard a knock on the bedroom door.." the point being, my kids did something funny.

Option 2: an informer who thinks in concepts or topics. In my mind information is organized either linearly (a timeline of events: first, next, last) or in an outline format (main point, sub-points).

When I answer questions I give direct, practical information, and use details and background only to explain or illustrate the point. I prefer when others "get to the point" of what they are saying up front, instead of going on and on without stating the point.

If I am telling a story, I will often share the point or topic of the story upfront. Example: "My sons are so silly ..." then give details.

Which is your NATURAL way of being?

Option 1: I have an overly-agreeable nature. I give great thought to how others will feel about what I say and do. I allow others' feelings to change my behavior, sometimes (not always) to the point of being “people-pleasing”, doing things that don’t feel right in your gut . 

I am selective in what information about myself I share with others. At times to avoid conflict, I may not disclose details or opinions, allowing people to believe I agree with them (others may perceive this or accuse you of being wishy-washy).

Option 2: I am responsible, with very strong values I base my decisions on. I have a deeply felt emotional nature, which I share with select others, at the appropriate time. I have a tendency to overshare information about myself. If I have offended someone it is usually because I overshared and put my foot in my mouth.

Which statement best describes your NATURAL way of socially interacting:

Option 1: "I carefully maneuver through social activities to best avoid personal discomfort. I know many people, communicate, interact and enjoy them, but never feel a natural fit to the community”.
People who this applies to feel like everyone else is part of the group and they are somehow outside or an outcast. This is true even in communities they like, including their family (spouse and kids), friend groups, congregation, at work/school, and networking groups.

Option 2: "I connect well with others and experience a sense of community with one or more groups."
That does NOT mean you feel a fit in ALL groups or communities. Some groups just aren’t your people, but when you find your people, you know it. “This is my group.” You may have experienced periods of life where you felt different than others. However, this has passed when you find a community where you fit in.

Which statement best describes your NATURAL way of socially interacting:

Option 1: "I carefully maneuver through social activities to best avoid personal discomfort. I know many people, communicate, interact and enjoy them, but never feel a natural fit to the community”.
People who this applies to feel like everyone else is part of the group and they are somehow outside or an outcast. This is true even in communities they like, including their family (spouse and kids), friend groups, congregation, at work/school, and networking groups.

Option 2: "I connect well with others and experience a sense of community with one or more groups."
That does NOT mean you feel a fit in ALL groups or communities. Some groups just aren’t your people, but when you find your people, you know it. “This is my group.” You may have experienced periods of life where you felt different than others. However, this has passed when you find a community where you fit in.

Which tends to be more the way you act?

Option 1: I tend to be a precise, analytical decision-maker (as opposed to a relaxed and gut lead). I carefully think through many options and how they will affect not just me but others. This doesn't always work well, because I feel like I need more information. I just keep planning but don't take action. I prefer to make changes slowly. AND… Being around people creates stress for me and causes physical exhaustion. I need alone time to recharge. Periods each week where I am alone in the house or nature, don't leave or see other people are great.

Option 2: I make gut lead choices.  I often gather some information, think things over for a short time, but don't delay a choice long. Once the choice has been made, I make changes in my life quickly.  I am very motivated by fun and excitement. I even make purchases that way, then end up wondering why I even bought "this thing" to begin with. Days off each week are best spent in public with people, with my family or friends, or out of my house doing activities.  Too much solitude can make me depressed.

Which tends to be more the way you act?

Option 1: I tend to be a precise, analytical decision-maker (as opposed to a relaxed and gut lead). I carefully think through many options and how they will affect not just me but others. This doesn't always work well, because I feel like I need more information. I just keep planning but don't take action. I prefer to make changes slowly. AND… Being around people creates stress for me and causes physical exhaustion. I need alone time to recharge. Periods each week where I am alone in the house or nature, don't leave or see other people are great.

Option 2: I make gut lead choices.  I often gather some information, think things over for a short time, but don't delay a choice long. Once the choice has been made, I make changes in my life quickly.  I am very motivated by fun and excitement. I even make purchases that way, then end up wondering why I even bought "this thing" to begin with. Days off each week are best spent in public with people, with my family or friends, or out of my house doing activities.  Too much solitude can make me depressed.

At the Core of my being...

Option 1: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally precise and dominant (however, I can be submissive when I need to be).

  • I prefer things to be done or handled a certain way.

  • I have a specific taste in clothes and like to dress just so.

  • When I interact with others I prefer my hair (and makeup if applicable) is styled. "Always make a good first impression."

  • I have a specific spot for my everyday items (keys, wallet, phone, and purse; or the way my kitchen must stay arranged) and almost always return items to this spot.

Option 2: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally relaxed and submissive (however, I can be dominant when I need to be). 

  • I prefer to go with the flow on most things, deferring to others choices.

  • I usually do not have strong preferences about my clothes and tend to prioritize comfort.

  • I will go out with my hair "messy" sometimes or no make up on, because I just forgot.

  • I misplace everyday items, like keys, wallet, phone, purse, etc. I know I have them but sometimes have to search the house. 

At the Core of my being...

Option 1: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally precise and dominant (however, I can be submissive when I need to be).

  • I prefer things to be done or handled a certain way.

  • I have a specific taste in clothes and like to dress just so.

  • When I interact with others I prefer my hair (and makeup if applicable) is styled. "Always make a good first impression."

  • I have a specific spot for my everyday items (keys, wallet, phone, and purse; or the way my kitchen must stay arranged) and almost always return items to this spot.

Option 2: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally relaxed and submissive (however, I can be dominant when I need to be). 

  • I prefer to go with the flow on most things, deferring to others choices.

  • I usually do not have strong preferences about my clothes and tend to prioritize comfort.

  • I will go out with my hair "messy" sometimes or no make up on, because I just forgot.

  • I misplace everyday items, like keys, wallet, phone, purse, etc. I know I have them but sometimes have to search the house. 

Please choose the one that most naturally describes you

Option 1: Socially Experiencing; instinctively seeking alignment and belonging socially, naturally connections with others.  Experiencing a sense of community 

  • and alternating between sharing interesting learned info/recent news with others,

  • and seeking current updates, to keep up with the happening within one's social circles,

  • Satisfying an inward desire to stay up-to-date, and "in the loop".

You don’t fit in with everyone, but when you find your people, you know it. 


Option 2: Socially Responding; carefully maneuvering through social activities to best avoid personal discomfort, while intuitively seeking safety throughout life.  You respond instinctively to environmental threats, in proactive self-defense, in an attempt to maintain safety or personal security. 
Seeking an often illusive, yet always desired, sense of general well-being. 
Naturally feeling like an outsider (even when popular and well-liked), and typically living with general anxiety.

Which statement is more true for you?

Option 1: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally precise and dominant (however, I can be submissive when I need to be) 

  • I prefer things to be done or handled a certain way. 

  • I can see details (like spelling/grammar mistakes, or omissions from a plan) that others miss

  • It confuses and frustrates me when others don’t pay attention to details or are misplacing their things. 

Option 2: At the core of my being, I believe I am naturally relaxed and submissive (however, I can be dominant when I need to be). 

  • I prefer to go with the flow on most things, deferring to others choices (sometimes too much).

  • I miss details or nuance of a project at times (like spelling/grammar or essentials of a plan). 

  • It doesn’t really bother me when others miss details too. 

Which of these statement is more accurate about your body?

Which statement is truer for you?

Which statement is truer for you?

Experiencing Emotion

Experiencing Emotion

Does this sound like you?

  • If you are this Endotype you likely have experienced traumatic events in your past. This trauma can be foundational to how your brain works; accordingly, protective behavior has become instinctual for you. This Endotype tends to seek out careers in law enforcement, care-taking, and customer service. Taking care of others has become a critical protection mechanism for you. If you do a good job caring for others, you feel that they will be dependent on you, care about you, and won't harm or leave you. Over time, though, this can be incredibly exhausting! Much of the time, you get so busy caring for others that you become burnt out, bitter, and overwhelmed. You almost always have a very precise nature, but this may not roll over into your home or personal life. When you get overwhelmed, it may become easier to simply switch your brain off and ignore the issues you’re facing. This might manifest as undone dishes and housework or messy relationship issues you may not be paying attention to. When these things pile up, they may leave you feeling lost, disconnected from others, unloved, or powerless.

  • Your Body: Even if you are healthy you will have a thicker body style. You have a large bone structure and a strong, well-muscled body with adipose (fat) tissue. Excess adipose is carried all over the body, even in the legs and calves. When you become overwhelmed, you naturally gain weight. Weight has been a way (consciously or unconsciously) for you to be seen, seem powerful, and take up space. It is a protection measure for you, whether you realize it or not. Your body is directly connected to your emotions. You may attempt to soothe or shut off your emotions with food, alcohol or other drugs. Health issues are your body’s way of telling you there are unresolved emotions lurking in the background of your otherwise-organized daily life.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • If this is your Endotype you are likely quite spiritual and possess strong, guiding principles. You are often described as “old souls” or “from a different era.” By nature, you are very intuitive. When you stand in possibility and optimism, you are a shining beacon for those around you. When in “protective mode,” your thoughts can become very dark as your insecurities bubble to the surface. A heart open to love often exposes itself to heartbreak. You know exactly what this means. Your Endotype falls into the group that affirms others and tries to understand what they need to be happy, but you often do this at your own expense. Remember, boundaries keep everyone in a relationship safe and happy. To create these boundaries, you must define your expectations, verbalize your needs, and keep each other accountable. Creating, maintaining, and holding these boundaries is an act of love and will benefit you immensely. 

  • Your Body:  Your body prefers to be muscular, and if you do gain weight, it usually fills in the hips and bottom for women; for men it tends to collect in the torso. This is usually as a response to not acting in alignment with who you are. Because you love so deeply, you can experience fierce bouts of grief or anxiety. When these happen, your body can remind you to care for yourself with lowered immune systems, hormone imbalance, exhaustion, or inflammation.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • In so many ways, you add to others’ business, family, relationships, and spiritual and physical wellbeing. You have the desire to lead and possess a strong work ethic, but you also try to work smarter in order to do less. You can be self-assured, bordering on overconfidence revealing itself when in the presence of other "Type-A" people. However, you are actually tenderhearted, anxious, and self-conscious much of the time.  Although most people may see only your capable and fun-loving side, your softer and more emotional half can come out in private. At your core, your desire to contribute is what motivates you. You are perceptive to others’ needs, be they emotional or practical, and it is often very clear to you how to address them. You may have to spend time explaining your solutions to others rather than glossing over the subject in order to implement the solution faster. 

  • Your Body:  As you age it is easier for your body tends to carry more fat. Your Endotype also tends to have some anxious or obsessive behaviors, which can lead to food or alcohol addiction or binging.  You likely also experience some seasonal depression if you don’t get enough sun.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a clear vision of the potential of any organization and are excellent at shaping its “players” into something masterful. You are a great supervisor, and you see exactly where everyone on your team needs to be. You recognize the talents of every individual in a group and advocate for them accordingly. If given the opportunity, you excel at building structure in an organization. As a way of protecting yourself, you may try to fix the challenges that others face for them. Using your skills in this way often makes you feel powerless, manic, and burnt out. Understanding your Endotype design, and that of others, will turn a sense of helplessness into a solution.

  • Your Body: You tend to maintain a healthy weight. Most people of this Endotype put a premium on eating well and exercise. Despite this, you may still feel like you must work hard to stay at a healthy weight, and even resort to extreme lifestyle changes to do so. If you are carrying excess fat, it is likely related to external stressors. What is it that’s making you feel disconnected or causing you to wonder who you really are? In response to stress, you may experience anxiety, an imbalanced immune system, or migraines. Learning how to healthily cope with stressors in your life will allow you to experience fewer physical symptoms.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • Like a soldier of old, you’re known for constantly looking out for people. You choose work where you can solve problems and overcome challenges when others give up (usually in a service role). Your Endotype is viewed as loyal, hardworking and valuable assets to their companies. You are responsible, respected, and diligent, and you expect other people to be the same. Some may see your communication as direct or confrontational. Your defensive nature is most clearly visible when someone crosses you or hurts someone you care about. You often think like an engineer. Even if you’re just relaxing or socializing, it's almost certain that you have a plan. When you draw up an itinerary, map, or menu, it allows your analytical brain to occupy and enjoy itself. While others may perceive your tendency to plan as an anxious behavior, you just call it being prepared. 

  • Your Body: It’s important for your Endotype to get enough sunlight or sleeplessness and depression may occur. Be sure you get outside at some point every day if possible. High stress can quickly result in anxiety and elevated blood pressure. This means it’s important not to ignore your emotions and to make time for a calming, grounding practice as often as you can. It is likely that your weight has fluctuated over the years. You likely tend to carry excess weight in your chest, stomach, and hips. Even if you are carrying weight on the rest of your body, most of this Endotype have well-defined calves. 

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • At heart, you are a bold, vibrant, and adventurous soul. Your motto should be “Never say never.” You are not one to back down from a challenge or shy away from being “different” than everyone else. Whether it is through your unique life choices, your out-of-the-box style, or whatever career paths you choose for yourself, you march to the beat of your drum. You are a deep humanitarian in your own unique way. Your wins may be as simple as a smile, compassionate word, or random act of kindness--even toward those that irritate you. You naturally notice peoples’ challenges and instinctively start dreaming up answers for them, but your solution is usually something no one else would have thought of. Then, you start inspiring others to help tackle the project. Managing projects long term is a challenge, however, because focusing on all the little details is difficult for you. Therefore, having others on board with your ideas is important to your success. Because you want to fix things for others you may also tend to overextend yourself, then feeling resentful later. When you try to convey the overwhelm to others, it may come out as either a burst of anger or apathetic behavior. 

  • Your Body: Your Endotype can be naturally heavier than others. Your average healthy weight may always be above the BMI recommendations. This is because you gain muscle mass quickly. Even when you lose some extra fat tissue, you still may be thicker and heavier than you think you should be. Fat carried on the body tends to happen at or below the waist. We also see inflammation, migraines, and autoimmune problems in your Endotype.

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Does this sound like you?

  • You are a focused, goal-oriented and highly driven, action-taker. You see the best in others and can easily sense their capabilities. You not only have a unique ability to see future challenges for yourself and others, but you can also see the way to maneuver around these challenges. Others may perceive your direct personality as tough and powerful, and you may even prefer that. When overly stressed, you become a demanding "enforcer.” When you see others’ messes, you instinctively start cleaning up for them. You do this as a way of protecting yourself or as a way to gain the approval of others. Deep down, you often feel like you give more love than you receive. This path can make you bitter; it’s difficult to work so hard for others without their appreciation. Your Endotype tends to express themselves creatively. Performance (drama, music, singing, dance), athletics, and art are just a few means of expression. You may have tried to make this creative expression your career. If you looked at the future and saw it was time to move on, then your passion becomes a hobby.  

  • Your Body:  You likely eat well and work out to stay in shape. Your body is fairly proportionate, but it can gain fat when you are under stress. Under prolonged stress, you may find that you develop seasonal, environmental, or food allergies. If you don't deal with stress, addictive tendencies may emerge. (e.g., hyper-focusing on your work, using drugs or alcohol, having damaging personal relationships, etc).

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You tend to be pretty laid back and sociable, but you also value having time to yourself. You love finding new information and sharing it with others. You enjoy listening to podcasts, watching videos, discussing big ideas and watching reality TV, but they feel like a time waster to you. Others perceive you as driven, powerful, focused and even tend to follow you as a leader. You are very approachable, which means that people will instinctively confide in you. When someone shares their trauma stories with you it can affect your energy and mood for a long time afterwards. You have likely always been fascinated with why people do what they do. Your Endotype tends to be curious about why people do what they do, and in personal growth and self-development work. If you look back at your life, there has probably always been a lingering question of “Is this really who I am?”

  • Your Body: Unlike other Endotypes, your body can gain and maintain muscle with minimal effort. During times of stress, you very easily gain weight (even if you haven't changed your diet). Under stress, your body sees this as a time to "get big" in order to seem intimidating. Above all, your driving glands are your adrenals – you have a prominent fight or flight response to stressful situations. After prolonged periods of stress, however, your adrenals start to "burn out", and you find yourself with little energy left to do much of anything.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a distinct sense of adventure and inherent desire to lead. Although by nature you like things organized and precise, you know when to relax and go with the flow.  Although you have friendships, you often maintain an emotional distance from people. You try to hide your mistakes or failures. Do you ever pretend everything is going great even though you really feel like everything is falling apart? By others’ estimations, you are quite successful. You aspire to work in upper management, training, or perhaps even own your own business. Building a team comes easily for you, and you are a natural leader. However, there is a piece of you that often feels like an imposter. Oftentimes, you may feel like what you say doesn’t matter or your contributions go unheard. You tell yourself “I'm different from others. They don’t know how to react to me. I march to my own drum and if they don’t follow it, that’s their problem.”  Your clothing style will often reflect comfort and casual ease with little signature pops of eye-catching formality; great shoes, a certain lipstick or hair style, or bold signature colors.

  • Your Body: With a large bone structure and well-muscled frame, your Endotype will always have a thicker body. The adipose (fat) tissue on the body is carried all over your body--even in your legs and calves. When you are hiding emotionally, your body may respond by increasing the adipose it carries. You may also experience blood sugar or thyroid issues.

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Does this sound like you?

  • The author Brene Brown often says, “Clear is kind.” You have, by nature, come to embody that sentiment.  Clarifying things for others is your natural talent. Maybe you clarify concepts like goals, money, business, health. It could also be that you lovingly clarify a person’s beliefs, intentions or identity. You may struggle with people-pleasing and wanting to fix everyone's problems. Fixing problems establishes your value and when others feel better, you feel better. However, you can burn yourself out sacrificing what you want for the happiness of those you serve. You intuitively know how people are feeling and what they need to hear. You may feel this intuition in your own body, or you may get a mental picture of what to share. Using your intuition to solve your own challenges, on the other hand, may be a bit harder. It becomes a situation where you are so focused on the details that you are unable to see the big picture. 

  • Your Body: Your body is usually lean. Problems in your body tend to show up as skin issues, digestion issues, inflammation, or depression. Weight gain or any of these other issues are connected to your habit of pushing through emotional matters. It is important to make sure you are getting sun – daily, if possible. Also, ensure that you make time for calming and centering activities or practices. If you ignore these, you may experience poor sleep and depression.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • If this is your Endotype, you can frequently be found standing near a group of people observing with a casual smile and assessing how everyone is doing. Because people are attracted to your friendly, kind nature, it’s likely that you have a wide social circle. People know they can count on you for support. You often have some specific style choices (perhaps non-traditional or a signature item); however, because you have a relaxed, laid-back personality, you can also be prone to appearing a bit disheveled. You are a very sensitive person who has deep feelings, but you might find verbalizing these emotions to be quite hard. You are very humble and conscious of how you spend your money, but you’re probably relatively successful and/or financially stable. Most of the time you are willing to concede your own preferences for those of another; however, you have little tolerance for those who disrespect the values of you or your friends, family or community. 

  • Your Body:  If male (born with testes) you usually won't struggle with your weight. Your body tends to be lean, and if you do gain a bit of weight with age, it’s likely in your midsection.  If female (born with ovaries) you tend to have full hips and a softer midsection. You’re prone to gaining weight quickly in stressful situations or when you feel isolated. Both sexes can experience blood sugar issues, hormone imbalance, stomach problems, exhaustion, and inflammation in response to stress or grief.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a very strong intuitive connection with others. This can sometimes confuse you into feeling others’ emotions within your own body which can quickly turn exhausting. You are constantly analyzing information, perspectives, potential outcomes, and the energetic input of others. Your curiosity and desire to learn new skills can serve you well. While your demeanor may appear to be calm, confident and at peace, your inner world tends to be a very busy and chaotic place. Because your inner world is so active, you often seek out physical spaces that are calming and centering. You crave long nature walks and need your home to be a safe, personal haven. You likely prefer employment opportunities that afford you periods of alone time. It is likely that you have very strong personal values and belief systems. These often influence your spirituality, religion and politics. While these may have evolved over the years, your core values have remained relatively unchanged. Your spirit rejoices when you find an individual, group or community that shares your values.

  • Your Body: Your body will gain weight when you are overwhelmed, feeling ineffective, or holding back your emotions. This weight can settle all over your body. When you are processing your feelings, you can make up your mind to lose weight with relative ease. However, being overly controlling of your diet can do you more harm than good in the long run. This can cause anxiety and seemingly unrelated illness; and you may even put some or all of the weight back on.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are naturally analytical and think like an engineer, but this is balanced with your creativity and intuition. You see patterns and processes that others miss. This ability allows you to empower others to be the best version of themselves.  You can see small, obvious changes that can increase productivity personally or professionally. They are not obvious to others. Don't become frustrated when others cannot see them.  When frustrated with others, you will often shut down in silence to protect yourself. Throughout your life you have felt like a bit of a misfit or outcast. Remember feelings are not facts.  There are reasons contained in your Endotype why you feel that way, but it doesn't mean those around you intentionally exclude or abandon you.   

  • Your Body: Your body tends to maintain balance. You know what your body needs, which allows you to adjust your diet, nutrients, and fitness routines, and maintain a healthy weight. Much of the time you wage a silent battle with anxiety. When you feel anxious, you may become demanding, curt, angry, or withdrawn. Others may interpret this sudden shift as dramatic or rash. To regain your equilibrium, you can become overly and unhealthily controlling of things like work, food, or fitness.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You crave harmony both in your social and physical environments. Although you prefer your environment to be organized, during times of stress your environment (and life) can become chaotic. The desire for people to feel included is a big motivator for you. So, making sure everyone in your life seems to get along can consume a lot of your time and energy. When the harmony of the group becomes overwhelming to maintain, it can become difficult for you to function. You tend to withdraw from the world and become a hermit to life. Your inner invalid takes over with a convincing dialog about how ill-equipped you are to deal with these challenges. You have a natural ability to see irregularity or where things need to be changed to create alignment. Sharing your intuitive insights with others can help them enact change in their lives. It is hard for you to intuitively lead yourself. Your Endotype Formula can help you do just that!

  • Your Body: Your body is relatively proportionate and doesn't gain fat quickly. You tend to be the type that "forgets to eat" meals. Your favorite type of exercise likely involves lots of movement like dancing or outdoor activities. More importantly, exercise provides a huge form of stress relief.  When you don't find productive ways of dealing with stress, you may find yourself with addictive tendencies; hyper-focusing on your work, engaging in unhealthy relationships, or using drugs or alcohol.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are likely always feeling a flurry of contradicting feelings; overwhelming love for others AND feeling unseen by them. Feeling motivated to create an organized environment around you AND feeling discouraged before you even get started. Going to bed driven to be a person you love AND waking up feeling unworthy. You do not have to live this way. You are blessed with a powerful intuition, but you’re cursed with the inability to trust it. Your Endotype loves books, reading and watching documentaries or reality television programs. You have a variety of interests, love big ideas, and you’re always excited to talk about them or share a story.  Have you ever said, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up?” Perhaps you have had many different careers or major job shifts. This is because your Endotype is easily adaptable. Be careful of identifying with a specific role (parent, partner, job title) because these roles can change; when they do, it can leave you feeling lost or worthless.

  • Your Body: Your weight can fluctuate easily, and your body reflects your tendency for extremes. Usually you are either on a strict diet and nutrition program, or you’re throwing it all away and eating whatever you want. You can quickly go from boot camp fitness programs to being completely sedentary, or from being super health conscious to feeling like you are falling apart. You can trend toward obsessive behaviors which can lead to food or alcohol addiction and binging. You could also have issues like fibromyalgia, migraines, thyroid problems, and sleep challenges. You likely also experience some seasonal depression if you do not get enough sun.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

Does this sound like you?

  • You like to be included in and support projects or organizations that have a lofty goal. You enjoy a career that can provide you a measure of freedom and independence, but you don't like being the only one that’s responsible for your work. You prefer to have team members who have your back. In relationships, both personal and professional, you can try to blend like a chameleon because you worry you don’t belong. You often go out of your way to show that you care for others, but quickly become discouraged if they don’t show appreciation for you. This can even lead you to become complacent in the relationship, doing the bare minimum. 

  • Your Body: Your body usually carries more adipose (fat) tissue. During times of stress your body gains weight. You may feel powerless to stop this, and it’s possible that this is an unconscious way for your body to take up more space to seem intimidating or be acknowledged. You have a prominent fight or flight response when you’re under duress. After prolonged periods of stress, your adrenals start to burn out and you find yourself exhausted. Like many, you may turn to high-carb or sugary snacks as a source of quick energy; however, this can cause problems like hypoglycemia, metabolic issues, and even type 2 diabetes.

Not You? If this doesn't sound like you, select "No, Start Quiz Over" and try the quiz again. It is likely that you struggled with one or two of the questions while taking the quiz.

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Could this be the permission you need to be authentically you in work, life and relationships? 

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